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So many times I am told the hardest thing about working out is finding the time. I think people have this idea in their head that they need to spend an hour or two at a gym. NOT TRUE!

If your not doing anything right now, something is better!! I love doing these little challenges, that take up very little time. The reason, it helps build consistency. Its like teaching your kids to brush there teeth. Isla is 6 and I am still teaching her. But, at least now she is going in to the bathroom everynight and doing it!!

That took 3 years for that habit to stick. So just like you, only doing a short less then 5 minute challenge a day, everyday will help you start to form a habit. And the more you do it the easier it becomes.

Now lets be honest, you also want to focus on quality, and giving your all. If Isla just went in and just brushed her top teeth, what would happen to the bottom?! So when doinf these small challenges do them whole heartedly. Not half ass!! The only person your cheating is yourself!!

So grab a friend, or family member and join me for the next 30 days!! You can join the free group here---> Join the Plank CHallenge.

At the end of the 30 days, anyone who submits a video of themselves making it to the 5 mins is going to win a free Fit Tank!!

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