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Goal Is A Wish Without A Plan!

Did you make New Years Goals for 2016, or resolutions yet? This is the first year, I wasn't sitting there at midnight listing out everything I wanted to do this year. And I have to be honest, for me this is not normal. Usually I have ten to twenty things I want with big plans, but not this year.

I mean I have goals, but I struggled last year making some of mine that I think it created this fear inside. So, for the last 18 days I have taken some quiet time and meditaion and realized that's all I needed. As moms we are so busy, never taking time for ourselves. I had no time to reflect and really think about what I wanted.

So, if you have not mapped out some goals and created a plan for this year, here are five tips to get started!

1. Think of one to three words that you want to live by this year, anything that you do will move you towards this theme. (Mine is Unlimited, Devoted, Euphoric)

2.Take out a blank piece of paper and draw 5 circles and label them: Family, Fitness, Faith, Finances, & Friends

3. Think big; how do you want to grow, what do you want to do for others, what do you if there was nothing standing in your way. Make a list in each circle.

4. Now is the fun part, go to (it's free) and create an 8x10 design of your goals. Like a scrap book. You can use pictures, Go to Pinterest to get ideas. There is no wrong way to do it., its your Vision Board.

5. Print it out and frame it for your office, kitchen or bedroom. Where ever you will see it to remind you of what you want.

Good luck, and if you need help with picmonkey just reach out!


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